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Advocacy Efforts for Scholars

SBL advocates for all members of the profession—full-and part-time teachers, tenured and contingent faculty, graduate students, librarians, and academic professionals—through a variety of programs and relationships with other national organizations, including those listed on this page.

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
AAUP addresses a wide variety of issues in higher education and works to safeguard academic freedom and quality higher education. They have been protecting the rights of faculty and other higher education professionals for over ninety years. Through assistance and advice to individual faculty members and administrators, state and federal lobbying, amicus briefs before the courts, support for collective bargaining, and other means, AAUP helps shape American higher education and ensure higher education's contribution to the common good.

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
ACLS is a private non-profit federation of sixty-eight national scholarly organizations. The mission of ACLS, as set forth in its Constitution, is "the advancement of humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the humanities and the social sciences and the maintenance and strengthening of relations among the national societies devoted to such studies." SBL Press is a participating publisher in the ACLS Humanities Ebook Collection.

The Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW)
CAW was established in 1997 by a group of learned societies in the humanities and social sciences. Twenty-five organizations currently participate in the coalition, including SBL.

National Humanities Alliance (NHA)
NHA is an advocacy coalition dedicated to the advancement of humanities education, research, preservation, and public programs. NHA is supported by more than eighty national, state and local member organizations, including: scholarly and professional associations (including SBL); higher education associations; organizations of museums, libraries, historical societies and state humanities councils; and university-based and independent humanities research centers. SBL's Executive Director participates in the NHA Annual Meeting and the Humanities Advocacy Day, which includes congressional visits to advocate for the humanities. Learn more.

National Humanities Conferences
SBL staff and members participate in these annual events that bring the humanities community together. The Executive Director of SBL served on the 2018 National Humanities Conference planning committee.

Scholars at Risk (SAR)
SAR is an international network of universities and colleges working to promote academic freedom and to defend the human rights of scholars worldwide. SAR works to arrange short-term, emergency visits to Network-member institutions in the US and abroad for scholars who suffer because of their work, prominence, or exercise of their basic human rights.



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